About the Social Media Minute

The Social Media Minute by dlvr.it is a FREE resource geared towards growing companies like yours looking for tips to be great at social media in just minutes per day. We believe you should be spending your time with your customers, not managing social media 24/7. All our tools, tips and tricks are meant to be read quickly, acted upon immediately and require little to no capital to get started.

Our motto is to “do our best, to help you, save time”. That is why all our tips include a ‘Time to Read’. Being a small business ourselves, we are keenly aware of and respectful of the precious resource of time. Most tips require less than a minute to read and in most cases, less than five minutes to implement. Our tips are meant for the every-day person who has little to no technical skills and a limited social media budget to match.

Yes, we do sprinkle in a bit about using dlvr.it but only when we feel dlvr.it will help you do social media better in less time. And, occasionally, following in the footsteps of the BuzzFeed model, we throw in some fun stuff just to start your day off with a quick chuckle.

We are trying a new programming format. Monday through Thursday we post helpful tips organized around four key concepts: Marketing Monday, Toolbox Tuesday, Workload Wednesday and TechTalk Thursday. We hope this aligns with your needs as it provides some structure to the many components of social media. Let us know what you think.

Take one of your precious minutes now to enjoy the Social Media Minute.