Social Media Roundup [Week of October 26, 2015]
Our weekly roundup is here to help you stay on top of all the latest in social media.
This week featuring:
1 – Question of the week: Why do most restaurants use an unhealthy amount of salt in the food they serve?
2 – Two Top Tweets of the week
3 – Three Productivity Tips (***Spoiler alert: Includes 5 books that can help you become aware of choices that lead to a healthy and productive life.)
4 – Four Growth Tips
Seth’s Blog: Too much salt
Why do most restaurants use an unhealthy amount of salt in the food they serve? I’m talking three to five times as much salt as the typical home chef might use.
For the same reason, that lazy marketers spam people, and unsophisticated comic book writers use exclamation points. Read more.
Top Tweets:
1 – 24.7K Shares: I slammed this milk company on social media. This is the amazing way the CEO responded and won me back.
On the 17th of October, I wrote this entry on my Dayre. That Dayre entry was shared around and received some 84 comments, one of which had a link to the company’s official reason behind the whole thing. Read more.
2 – 3.6K Shares: Millennials Don’t Want Ads. They Want Stories.
The old logic of marketing was that the more advertisements you throw at the younger generations, the earlier you can get them hooked on your brand. This approach might have made sense during the prime days of Madison Avenue, but it’s quickly become stale and out-of-touch. Read more.
Productivity Tips:
1 – 9.8K Shares: 25 Best Jobs For Work-Life Balance (2015)
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be tough in today’s work environment, but some jobs allow for more flexibility than others. In fact, work-life balance has decreased in recent years, as employees have reported an average work-life balance satisfaction rating of 3.5 in 2009, 3.4 in 2012, and 3.2 thus far in 2015. So where do you turn to get a job that won’t leave you working 24/7? Read more.
2 – 13.2K Shares: 4 strategies for remembering everything you learn
If you’re going to learn anything, you need two kinds of prior knowledge – Knowledge about the subject at hand, like math, history, or programming. Knowledge about how learning actually works. The bad news: Read more.
3 – 3.9K Shares: 5 Books that Will Improve Your Wellness and Productivity
The short list:
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
- On Writing Well by William Zinsser
- Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin E. P. Seligman
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
- Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Social Media Growth Hacks
1 – May The Force Be With You: What Small Business Can Learn From the Star Wars Marketing Blitz
It almost seems unfair, doesn’t? I’m talking about the Disney-Lucasfilm connection and therefore also the Star Wars franchise. But instead of sitting here wallowing in envy of this super heavyweight marketing marriage, let’s look at what Disney is doing to promote the upcoming and eagerly awaited installment in the Star Wars series. Read more.

2 – 20 Years, 20 Tips for Building a Healthy Business
Twenty years ago, I officially registered my business, opened a business checking account and started my company. I had all the passion and enthusiasm many new entrepreneurs have, but like most, I didn’t have a clue what lay ahead.
Fast forward…
Tip #1: Be better tomorrow than you are today.
Tip #2: Never be afraid to hire those who are smarter than you.
Tip #3: Never be complacent in your success.
Tip #4: Don’t let your ego get in the way.
Tip #5: It’s a business first, a love affair second.
3 – You don’t need an MBA; but your business plan does need these 5 things
We get it — it’s an exciting time for new businesses. Technology has put the world at your fingertips and seemingly eliminated the gap between the MBA-types and the crafty, untrained entrepreneurs. You now have the tools to become your own boss and build something that impacts all of humanity. Read more.
4 – Is your Email Signature Costing You Business? 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid [Infographic]
When was the last time you looked at your email signature? Likely, it is something you quickly penned when you set-up your email preferences or when you changed jobs or contact information. It is something we set up once and forget. Your email signature is a powerful and an often overlooked marketing tool. Read more.
What’s on your mind?
Read any GREAT articles lately?