Melissa Vinsonhaler
Quick and Easy ways to Overcome Writer’s Block
We’ve talked about a ton of topics recently. We’ve talked about scheduling social media posts, creating calendars, creating videos, and automating your posts. But where does that…
The Best Way to Free Up your Time using a Social Media Calendar
We’ve talked about making a marketing plan. Getting this marketing plan set up is the most detailed and hardest part of figuring out how you’re going to…
Making your Marketing Plan Engage your Viewers
Why do you need a marketing plan? Simply put, a marketing plan is something that will unify your team behind a set plan for how to reach…
The Best Free Tools for Creating Infographics
What is an infographic? To put it simply, infographics are a graphic that gives information. Graphs, charts, pictures with statistics, even Venn diagrams are infographics. So, why…
Creating a Valuable Mission Statement to Brand your Message
We’ve talked in the past about video, GIF, and photo posting, but how do you determine the message that you want to send in these forms of…
How to Draw a Crowd Using FREE GIF Creators
We’ve talked about video, YouTube channels, and images, but why GIFs? Well, a GIF is a shorter version of a video. It’s just as appealing as a…
The Best FREE Video Editing Software
We recently talked about YouTube and how useful a marketing tool it is. Fortunately, we live in a world in which one can access information at our…
Supercharge Your Posting Power Using Cronycle and and Cronycle, an inspiring platform for content curation, collaboration, and communication, have formed an exciting partnership that allows users to pull public feeds from numerous sources and post them on your…
Is CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer the Best Tool for the Job?
Headlines are obviously the first thing that anyone sees when they’re looking at your post. The headline is the first thing that anyone will see of your…
Sales Psychology and How Marketing Fits In
I have been a student of psychology for the last few years. I learn and study how the human mind works and how our evolutionary and environmental…
Why You Are Marketing to Millennials Wrong and How To Fix It
Believe it or not, I’m a millennial. I know, you’ve read a ton of blogs and marketing seminars about how you’re marketing to Millennials wrong, and you…
Summer Fun Ideas to Bring Joy to your Office
In my office, we make fun a priority. With summer upon us, even more, fun options present themselves. We have opportunities to have summer fun in and…
How to Select the Most Visually Appealing Facebook Images for Your Posts
We all know that Facebook is one of the most widely used social media platforms in recent history. In fact, according to Pew Research Center, 79% of…
How to Leverage Social Media: 5 Super Successful Case Studies
We have all watched companies going viral in their quest to take the internet by storm – companies who captivated our attention and made us laugh and…
How to Use Evergreen Content to Engage Your Audience
Evergreen content creation can be very challenging. It’s difficult to create content that will last a long time and can be considered timeless. Fortunately, there are some…
Stress Free Social Media
Auto post blogs, photos and updates to all your social media profiles.
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