We’re pleased to introduce three new features this week. Here’s to spring!

dlvr.it now passes location info to Twitter when we make a post on your behalf. By including location info with your tweets, your readers will enjoy enhanced location-related information when reading your tweets on Twitter. And your tweets will appear in Twitter search results with location data, making your tweets even more discoverable and relevant.

To activate geotagging, you’ll need to turn on geo tagging for each of your feeds in dlvr.it. We’ll get the geo coordinates (if available) in your feed items and pass those along to Twitter. If your feeds don’t have geo info, you can set the location for each of your feeds in dlvr.it by simply clicking your location on a map, and we’ll pass that info along when we post items to Twitter. You’ll also need to turn on location in your Twitter account – go to http://twitter.com, and under “Settings”, make sure the “Add a location to your tweets” option is checked.

dlvr.it supports both ‘geo:lat/geo:long’ and ‘georss:point’ elements.

We’ll be rolling location functionality to other social networks in the near future. More on GeoRSS.

Interactive Content Stats
We’ve had many requests for enhanced stats and reporting. And we are pleased to bring you the first of several new stats features. You can now explore your dlvr.it content and social stats with new and improved interactive graphs and charts. Roll over, scroll and zoom around on your stats to gain new insights into your audience and content metrics and trends. We are excited by the new design and we love the rich interactivity even more.

We’ve also added search to our stats pages, so you can quickly navigate to the Route and Social stats you want to review.

Direct Post Enhancements
A rapidly growing number of dlvr.it users are heavy users of dlvr.it’s manual posting function — located in the “Post” tab in our top navigation. Manual posting allows editors and writers to type a post within dlvr.it, manually select which Social Networks to post to, and schedule the time and day for delivery. dlvr.it attaches tracking links to your manual posts and tracks all the stats right inside dlvr.it.

We are pleased to introduce the most sought after addition to the manual post function – the ability to choose many social accounts for posting with the click of a button. This allows users with many accounts to effortlessly make manual posts to all their networks with a single click.

We’re fired up!
Watch for significant enhancements to dlvr.it stats and editorial driven posts in the coming weeks.