Social Media Etiquette Tip # 1. If you care, don’t over-share
Quick Tip #1: Don’t flood your social media networks. People are interested in having a conversation with you not just listening to you “talk”. Don’t send a…
Local Social Media: 6 Simple Ways to Geo Target Tweets
If your business operates in a limited geographic area adding a hyper-local component to your tweets is far more valuable for your customers and for you. Six…
Stop Marketing in Silos. Think Content First.
Marketing professionals work hard to distribute messages to their customers. Employing a combination of creative and calculated processes, brands, products and services are communicated across a market….
Three Simple Measures to Content Marketing Success
It may be hard to always know which metrics to track when it comes to content marketing success. You could spend hours in your web analytics tool…
Are you attending ContentMarketing2011?
eMarketer claims Content Marketing is a key digital trend for 2011. Join February 16th & 17th at’s Content Marketing Conference in Berkeley, CA. You’ll… Launches the Content Marketing Strategies Conference
December 8th & 9th 8:30am–5:30pm Claremont Hotel & Spa, Berkeley, CA. Early Bird Pricing: $495 – 25 tickets available at this price. Register Today! The Content Marketing…
Three Challenges Publishers Face with the Real-time Web
I recently had the opportunity to present at the Semantic Web meet-up in San Francisco along with Scott Waterman and Stuart Robinson – engineers from Powerset/Bing. The…
We’re hiring! Looking for a Social Media Strategic Sales Executive
We’re hiring! is looking for a Strategic Sales Execuitve. The sales executive will work closely with the Chief Revenue Office to develop and execute a strategy…
5 Methods to Get More Out of Your Content
The blogger’s signature cry is “content is king.” These words express the need to churn out quality, entertaining, engaging content in order to survive. Simply publishing content,…
Content Marketing by the Numbers (infographic)
As marketers have begun to embrace the social web as their greatest ally, many are using content as the vehicle to carry their brand message. The rise…
A 3-month Plan for Adding Social to your Marketing Mix
Social media is now the norm. Everywhere we turn, a high-ranking businessperson, blog, or magazine is pressuring us to replace traditional, “outdated” marketing methods with cutting-edge social media techniques. And without question, there is a lot to be said for social media’s brief yet transformative history. But if you’re like most marketers, you likely use some combination of search, display, and email marketing. These mediums have fueled your business with sales and leads for years. Is it not a bit hasty to suggest that we all ditch these proven mechanisms in favor of Facebook pages and Twitter feeds?
How to Build A Social Graph The Smart Way
If you’re like most individuals or businesses, building a social graph for your brand might seem like a very inexact science. The advice commonly offered tends to…
How Modern Marketers are Making Friends Before Making Customers
The classic marketing approach has always been a sort of “go for the jugular” strategy in which companies broadcast a sales message in some public forum and…
The 7 Big Announcements Made on Twitter
Twitter has moved passed being a place to only comment on Hollywood gossip, joke with friends, and update the world on the nuances of your daily life….
J.E. Skeets, Dlvr-in’ It NBA Style
We are kicking off a new series on the blog. We have a talented, diverse, and often times colorful group of bloggers, publishers and brands Dlvr-in’…
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