Your most successful marketing technique to engage audiences, establish trust, and increase sales is content curation for social media. It enables businesses and content marketers to connect with customers wherever they are spending their online time by establishing a consistent voice across social media networks. Due to the popularity of mobile devices, consumers increasingly spend more time using apps than web browsers to access information. Due to this change, many companies have begun populating their social media feeds on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, and Reddit with promotional content.

You may gain attention and maintain followers’ interest by using a carefully selected feed. It may boost engagement, traffic, brand awareness, and ultimately conversions when done properly. It is a crucial component of your content marketing plan.

Strategies for Curating Relevant Content

The process of developing material based on someone else’s work is known as content curation. For instance, you might encounter a blog article about a subject you’re interested in and decide to create material on that topic yourself. Or perhaps you came across a video that really clarifies something, and you want to add some words to support what the video says. You are content curation in both scenarios.

The use of content curation might help you get more exposure and save time. But to ensure that these content marketing initiatives are successful, strategy and execution are required. This manual will cover a wide range of topics, including how to organize your content curation strategy, which tools to use, how to produce high-quality material, how to diversify your social media calendar, and much more.

How to Curate Content: Steps

One of those keywords, curation, is frequently used without much justification. But unless you understand why you want to do it, it is meaningless. So let’s examine its components and operation in detail.

We must first define the term “curated.” In other words, it’s recent content that you’ve decided to draw attention to because it matters to you. You could want to read messages from friends and family or articles produced by professionals in your field. Whatever your motivation, there are techniques to guarantee that the subjects and content in your social media feed are relevant and of high quality.

Choosing the kind of content you want to concentrate on is the first step. Do you favor following industry influencers? Or perhaps you simply enjoy picking the brains of marketing thought leaders on various social media sites. Your search for quality material to distribute can begin once you’ve determined your hobbies and go-to sources.

1. Content Types

Images, videos, and text posts are the three categories of well-selected content that make up a curated feed. Each has a distinct function. Images help people visualize items and events well. Videos let you demonstrate how your product functions and better explain what you have to offer to potential buyers. Text postings and timeless content give more background information about your company and its goods.

2. Posting Calendar

Your audience size, the kind of content you choose to share, and how much time you have to commit to each channel will all affect how frequently you post. For instance, if you manage a tiny eCommerce business, one post every week can be plenty. However, if you deal in high-end luxury goods, you might need to post more than once a day.

3. Posting Place

Decide where your audience spends the most of their online time, which may be learned from a variety of sources. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook), LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, and Reddit are a few of the sites that are widely used. Additionally, you can open a unique account for every platform.

4. Distributing Selected Content

Consider the channels your target audience routinely utilizes when choosing who to share your curated feed with. Using tools like BuzzSumo or SEMrush to see which websites receive the most organic traffic from search engines is the best method to learn this. The most popular keywords and those that turn the largest percentage of site visitors into leads will be displayed by these tools.

5. Using Promotional Feeds

You’ll need to advertise your curated feed once you’ve located the appropriate users to share it with. Paid marketing and organic advertising are the two basic strategies. Paid advertising includes the use of advertisements on other websites, such Facebook Ads, however these are frequently pricey. Sharing links to your curated feed on pertinent blogs and forums is a kind of organic promotion. This is unpaid,

Which Social Networks Should I Concentrate On?

You may start developing your feed once you are aware of the platforms that your audience uses frequently. The largest social networks should be used initially. You can instantly reach new audiences thanks to the rich advertising choices on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

You can access intriguing material on a wide range of sites. Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, Flickr, and even Medium are a few of the most widely used platforms. Many websites exist, however these are a few of our favorites.


Instagram is a wonderful place to start if you’re seeking for pictures. With over 800 million active users each month, there is space for everyone. Additionally, Instagram lets you tag your photos with hashtags, which makes it simple to find people who share your interests.


YouTube is a fantastic resource for finding excellent video content. YouTube actually has a ton of instructional resources, despite the fact that it can seem like a weird pick. You can find everything on YouTube, from instructional to expert interviews. Additionally, you can be sure that there won’t be any copyright problems because Google owns it.


Twitter is another another excellent resource for finding stuff that interests you. To find popular subjects, just type #hashtag into your browser. For instance, you might search for #blogging if you wanted to learn more about blogging. Following accounts like @the buzzfeed bloggist that tweet about blogs would then be a good idea. Another well-liked application of content curating is retweeting.

Time devoted to Content Curation Activities

Creating a successful feed takes time. Creating connections with influencers and other brands takes time. And building a following takes time. So don’t anticipate immediate results. Spend at least 30 minutes per day curating your feed instead.

Tools for Curating Content

Buzzsumo: You can learn what kinds of content go well together using this tool. Buzzsumo allows you to enter a topic and displays the most popular posts, pages, and websites that connect to it. These trending subjects are drawing the greatest attention from viewers.

SEMrush: You may monitor how frequently people mention your brand using this tool. The keywords you should target to raise engagement levels can then be determined using this data. x

What Percentage of Original Content Should Be Curated?

Finding outstanding content from others is only one aspect of content curation; another is providing value to your audience and interacting with them. For your social media marketing approach, if you’re creating the content from fresh, be sure to inject some of yourself into each piece. You can achieve this by adding a brief text describing your reasoning for sharing, tweeting, or reposting content from your chosen reputable sources. Your supporters will understand exactly where you stand on the issue and why you believe it is important as a result.

Additionally, you can use selected material to showcase some of your best work. If you’re a photographer, for instance, you might compile screenshots of your favorite images from various websites. You might also share one of your most recent entries if you’ve been hard at work on a project.

Curation Is Important For Your Content Strategy

One of those topics that everyone is aware of but few people fully master is social media. There are several simple actions you can take to ensure that your material is viewed if you want to make sure that your social media postings are being seen.

Curating content is the initial stage. By doing this, you organize already-existing content into manageable, single-post-sized pieces. The majority of the best content is already available online, so you don’t necessarily need to spend hours coming up with something truly unique. Instead, you may just modify what others have created so that it better fits your brand.

Decide how much of your content you want to include in each post once it has been sorted. You may decide to include all of it or just a small amount of it, depending on the type of content you’re posting. When posting a recipe, for instance, you might merely provide the list of ingredients, yet when sharing a video, you might share the complete movie.

You can produce high-quality content that will keep your fans interested in your brand by following these straightforward rules.

Benefits of Curating Content for Social Media

One of those concepts that, while good in theory, requires some work to perfect is content curation. There is much more to it than simply sharing online content, despite what you may believe. Actually, it resembles content marketing a lot, with the exception that you don’t have to create anything yourself. Instead, you merely compile awesome content from across the web and distribute it to your audience.

Similar to content curation, social media curation focuses on providing material that is pertinent to your audience. You undoubtedly already know how crucial it is to engage with your audience if you’re trying to grow a following. But did you realize that you may accomplish that goal by using social media curation? By curating material, you may encourage your audience to learn new things, come up with fresh concepts, and feel motivated.

Create Value

Those who add value are more likely to be followed. They want you to show them whatever you find fascinating and let them know about it. This makes sense because people don’t want bogus news; instead, they naturally seek out those who are fascinating and helpful. So why wouldn’t we want to follow someone who shares knowledge that is both engaging and useful? It’s also no surprise that people enjoy it because social media curating is essentially a way to demonstrate what you’ve learned.

1. Add Your Professional Opinion

People want to know your thoughts and feelings when they are looking up information about you. They want to know that you are intelligent enough to grasp the issue and express your viewpoint with precision. When uploading someone else’s work, always provide due credit and don’t forget to include your own perspective and ideas. This clarifies your motivation for sharing anything with readers and helps them understand your position on the subject. One of the main advantages of content curation is this.

2. Add Your Own Clarification or Questions

Always provide some form of comments while sharing content. You might repost the author’s first tweet or make a blog post describing why you enjoy the piece and include a link to it. This advances your personal brand while also giving your fans something of value. People value hearing from experts, particularly when those experts have been cited in other publications. Even a clever query can elicit a receptive audience from your followers.

3. Increase Credibility and Trust

Curated tweets are a fantastic way to demonstrate your knowledge and experience. You show that you are informed, dependable, and interested in conversation and exchanging opinions about your chosen issue by curating content from reliable sources. Additionally, you will appear much smarter because you are showcasing the greatest available material. The objective is to establish yourself as the go-to authority in your specialized field.

4. Consistently Offer Value

People are seeking for information and perspectives, not for filler. Never attempt to sell anything. Instead, put your attention on imparting knowledge. Share interesting posts and articles that can be used to solve issues, learn new things, or acquire new perspectives.

5. Raise Brand Recognition

Brand awareness rises when other people’s content is shared. People typically enjoy returning favors. They’ll be more inclined to visit your website and read your blog entries if you share their material. Additionally, it demonstrates your interest in the subjects they cover, which will motivate them to repay the favor by promoting your material.

6. Gives You Insights About Your Audience

One of those tasks that should be simple to complete but isn’t is content curation. You can personally compile lists of articles, videos, photographs, and other stuff or you can delegate the task to algorithms. However, there is another approach that I believe is considerably more effective: curating content.

Simply said, curated content is stuff that has been assembled for you by another else. This might be anything from a collection of the most recent blog entries to a ranking of the top articles on a particular topic. In reality, several businesses sell their products through carefully chosen material. Curated content is a terrific place to start if you’re trying to establish your authority and credibility in your area.

In order to determine the kinds of material that your audience prefers to read, you can also use curated content as a resource. For instance, you might make sure to publish numerous evaluations if your team discovers that your audience enjoys reading them. You might also start writing tutorials if you find that your audience enjoys watching them.

Last but not least, curated content might reveal information about your audience that you might not otherwise have. For instance, you might want to think about launching a YouTube channel where you instruct others on how to play the guitar if you find that many of your readers are interested in doing so.

What is Content Curation, Exactly?

Finding pertinent content from a reliable source and disseminating it to your target audience via social media networks is known as content curation. This could be updating your blog, sending out emails, or posting on social media.

You can curate your favorite stuff in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Social media: Look for significant people in your business on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and follow them. Next, leave remarks on their posts and pose inquiries. Even better, strike up a discussion with them.
  • Email bulletins – Create a newsletter that you send out every week with selected articles. At the conclusion of each piece, be sure to include a call to action.
  • Blogs: Every month, publish a post with a list of the top 10 things you love about your niche. Put a link to your website at the end of the article.
  • Influencer marketing: Get in touch with bloggers and other industry influencers and invite them to write guest pieces. In return, they will advertise your company.

Summary: Curation of Content for Social Media

Finding what people are interested in and sharing it with them is the goal of content curation. Social networking websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. frequently feature this kind of information. Users can upload content straight into their feed using these services. Additionally, they enable us to follow specific accounts and get alerts whenever they post something new.

Searching for original content that others might overlook is part of content curation. You read and share fantastic pieces and articles with your followers. This enables you to expand your audience and attract new clients.

Finally, you should make sure that your material is routinely posted across a variety of venues. While Facebook may seem like the place to concentrate your efforts, you should also use Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even YouTube. Every channel has a slightly distinct experience, therefore you should use them all strategically when developing your social media strategy.

You might think about providing a link to your blog or website in the description box, for instance, if you publish videos on YouTube. You may try including a call-to-action button on Facebook to encourage readers to sign up for your email newsletter. You might also use hashtags relating to your niche on Twitter to broaden your audience.

You can create an audience around a particular issue with the use of a selected piece of content. You can utilize content curation to build brand awareness and draw in new clients if you know how to do it well. These are only some of the advantages of content curation.