Facebook, Where Your Content Goes to Die
By now you’ve seen the research – over 84% of the content you send to Facebook never gets seen. …16% of fans currently see organic content posted…
SMBs Target Local Content to Drive New Business
It should come as no surprise that an SMBs number one goal for advertising is to drive new customers in the door. A report published by Street…
Social Media Etiquette Tip # 1. If you care, don’t over-share
Quick Tip #1: Don’t flood your social media networks. People are interested in having a conversation with you not just listening to you “talk”. Don’t send a…
How to Easily Link Google Plus to Facebook and Twitter
In previous posts, we discussed the reasons why Google Plus is an extremely important marketing channel and it should be a key component of your social media…
Stop Marketing in Silos. Think Content First.
Marketing professionals work hard to distribute messages to their customers. Employing a combination of creative and calculated processes, brands, products and services are communicated across a market….
Three Simple Measures to Content Marketing Success
It may be hard to always know which metrics to track when it comes to content marketing success. You could spend hours in your web analytics tool…
How to Add the Google URL Shortener to Social Media
If you’ve been using the Google URL shortener to shorten links manually at https://goo.gl/, you know how time-consuming it is to shorten every link you share on social media….
Display Your Popular Content with a dlvr.it Widget
You can now display your popular tweets or facebook posts on your website with a dlvr.it widget. Not only will your website visitors see your popular /…
Go ahead and j.mp
dlvr.it now supports bit.ly’s j.mp short links. If you are a bit.ly user and want dlvr.it to post j.mp links rather than bit.ly links, it’s simple. To…
The Best Way to Add a Link Shortener to Blog Posts Quickly
A link shortener is a must have if you want to track your social media performance and frankly squeeze more content into a small space. A link shortener is a tool…
Stay Alert! Get Critical Error Notices
dlvr.it now alerts you if we encounter critical issues impacting your content distribution. If dlvr.it is unable to retrieve your feed or if we experience fatal errors…
5 Methods to Get More Out of Your Content
The blogger’s signature cry is “content is king.” These words express the need to churn out quality, entertaining, engaging content in order to survive. Simply publishing content,…