How to Find the Perfect Social Media and Blog Post Frequency Using Data
(#WorkloadWednesday) Unlike my coworker Bill, who completes several items on his to-do list before I brush my teeth, I am not an early morning riser. Up at 5:00…
How to Track Social Media Performance without Spending a Dime
(#ToolboxTuesday) When I’m not working at, you can find me coaching youth basketball. At the onset of every season, I create team goals and work with each player to…
How to Write Better Headlines for Every Social Media Post
Want to succeed with social media? I know you do. Simple: write better headlines! I must confess. I’m guilty of judging a book by its cover. I’m…
How to Convert Your Twitter Favorites into a Feed of Customer Testimonials
(#TechTalkThursday) My son is at the age now where he gets notes from girls at school (I assume he writes them back), all innocent puppy love stuff. Things like, “I…
How to Prevent Blog Post Blunders and Other Grammar Pet Peeves
One of the many hats I wear, both at home and at work, is spell check queen and Copy Editor. At home, I began as a spell checker,…
One Minute, One Tool for Real-time Social Media Brand Monitoring
(#ToolboxTuesday) While working in the marketing department of a large logistics company as an intern in the early 90’s, I was responsible for brand monitoring and competitive intelligence….
Turn Images into Branded Content to Stand-out in Your Followers Busy Social Media Stream
(#MarketingMonday) One of things I enjoy most about my job is interacting with customers. Either on the phone or through our customer service application, I spend a considerable…
How to Increase Blog Traffic by Changing the Way You Think about Scheduling Social Media Updates
(#TechTipThursday) When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do in the summer was to go fishing. I would hop on my bike with…
5 Easy Steps to SlideShare Success (Social Media Grow Tip)
Updated September 22, 2016. Do you use SlideShare as part of your B2B social media marketing strategy? If you’re busy like me, you may have missed the post from…
How to Use Scribe SEO Plugin to Boost Rank One Post at a Time
We’ll get to the details on the Scribe SEO plugin but first a short story… My mother-in-law has been a San Francisco 49er fan since the days…
Simple WordPress Trick to Instantly Boost Social Media and Search Visibility
(#MarketingMonday) My kids prefer to go to the grocery store with me rather than their mother. They know dad is laser focused on the task – get…
How to Reduce Your Social Media Workload and Boost Engagement in One Click
(#TechTipThursday) Does this sound familiar? While browsing your favorite site, you come across an inspiring quote, a delicious recipe or an awesome how to article that would be…