5 Easy Steps to SlideShare Success (Social Media Grow Tip)
Updated September 22, 2016. Do you use SlideShare as part of your B2B social media marketing strategy? If you’re busy like me, you may have missed the post from…
How to Use Scribe SEO Plugin to Boost Rank One Post at a Time
We’ll get to the details on the Scribe SEO plugin but first a short story… My mother-in-law has been a San Francisco 49er fan since the days…
Simple WordPress Trick to Instantly Boost Social Media and Search Visibility
(#MarketingMonday) My kids prefer to go to the grocery store with me rather than their mother. They know dad is laser focused on the task – get…
How to Reduce Your Social Media Workload and Boost Engagement in One Click
(#TechTipThursday) Does this sound familiar? While browsing your favorite site, you come across an inspiring quote, a delicious recipe or an awesome how to article that would be…
How I Increased My Social Media Productivity by Working Smarter in Just 5 Minutes
(#WorkloadWednesday) I wear many hats in our small business. To complete my work as a blog contributor, copy editor, researcher and a cost conscious accountant, multitasking is an absolute…
Basic Image Attribution and Optimization Rules for Better Social Media and Blog Posts
(#ToolboxTuesday) If you’ve been reading our blog lately, you may have noticed a couple recurring themes. We spend a considerable amount of time discussing the importance of using visuals in social…
One Thing You Should do Right Now to Create Steady Social Media and Blog Traffic
(#MarketingMonday) While doing research for a blog post on social media strategy, I did the typical thing; opened up Google, typed in my query and quickly scanned the results….
How to Convert Headline Keywords into Hashtags
Recently, I came across this article on the quintly.com blog, Twitter Hashtag Analysis: Do People “Really” Use Them? I was surprised to learn that nearly 60% of all tweets do not include…
The Key Ingredient for Memorable and Actionable Social Media Messages
We’ve mentioned quite a few times in recent posts about the importance of visuals in your social media content. To be clear to social media newbie’s (me…
Ideal Image Size for Social Media Posts
Are you finding yourself confused over the ideal image size required for each social network? You are not alone. Once you figure out your profile image size, what…
12 Entrepreneurs Share Easy to Implement Advice on Gathering Quick Customer Feedback
Twelve entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs, share how to get quick feedback from your customers online: …
How to Scale Image Sharing Across All Social Media
We’re thrilled to bring you one of our most requested features: Instant image sharing! Online image sharing is a complex maze of scattered social networks. We took a step…