What content marketing tactic drives the best ROI?
Videos, Infographics, Whitepapers; so many different types of content to create in so little time with limited resources. Looking for one content marketing tactic that can drive…
Guest Post: Arnie Kuenn on The Convergence of Content Marketing and SEO
Over the next few weeks, we will be featuring our panel of expert speakers in a series of blog posts highlighting their passion and thought leadership on…
Social Media Explained. With Cats.
Here Kitty, Kitty! (click to view full sized graphic) Thanks to Avalaunch Media
Get more traffic from Twitter in 3 easy steps
Who doesn’t want more traffic from their content shared on Twitter? The average click through rate on a link shared on Twitter is 1.7% with 1.3 retweets….
How to Get the Most Out of Google Plus For Business
If you are like many businesses owners and marketing professionals we speak with, learning a new social network can be overwhelming. As with most things, there is…
dlvr.it now supports posting to Google+ Pages!
Starting today dlvr.it users can now post content to Google+ Pages. In addition to posting social content to Google+, dlvr.it users can also monitor and manage comments, track +1’s, and measure…
How to Get the Most Leads on LinkedIn With Drip Marketing
Dlvr.it user, Matt Heinz from Heinz Marketing, has explained how to help your sales people get more attention with prospects on LinkedIn using drip marketing. With permission…
dlvr.it now supports posting to App.net!
dlvr.it is pleased to support posting to App.net. A growing chorus of dlvr.it users have been asking us to support posting to app.net. We’ve heard you! And…
Is The Value of Teamwork Overrated?
According to Wikipedia, teamwork is defined as “work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.”…
Travel Oregon, Tells It’s Brand Story Through Pictures
On November 14th and 15th, dlvr.it is headed to Sonoma, California for the Wine Tourism Conference as one of the media sponsors. I recently collaborated on a blog…
Research: Tell Before You Sell. A Story Is Worth A Thousand Sales
“Man is eminently a storyteller. His search for a purpose, a cause, an ideal, a mission and the like is largely a search for a plot and…
Installing the dlvr.it bookmarklet on the iPad
Thanks to Lorenzo at iOS Bookmarklets for putting together this quick tutorial on adding the dlvr.it bookmarklet to the iPad. In this tutorial, Lorenzo shows you how…