Debra Garber
56 Time Saving Social Media Ideas for the Time-Strapped Business Owner
(#WorkloadWednesday) I’m a “list” person. I make lists for almost everything I do. My lists run the gamut from; To Do, To Call, Grocery, Chores, Need to…
Single Best Tool to Stay on Top of Shopping Trends (and it’s FREE)
(#ToolboxTuesday) As a small business owner, the idiom “no rest for the weary” takes on extra meaning during the holiday season. Were you hoping to take a…
4 Ways to Avoid Credibility Distractors in Your Social Media Post. Um…What’s the Problem?
Summary: As social media marketers, it’s important to demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills that clearly project professionalism and confidence. Here is one big addition to your…
Fast, Easy, Visual Tool to Brainstorm Social Media Content
Summary: To help you brainstorm blog post ideas in a fast, easy, and visual way, check out this detailed, but easy-to-use, Excel spreadsheet. Social media content creation efforts…
How to Use Facebook to Capitalize on the World’s Biggest Holiday Spending Trends
Summary: Find out what Boxing Day, Singles Day and social media have in common with U.S. holiday shopping days. As a bonus, we’ve added some great easy to…
Holiday Social Media Marketing – Is Facebook Still King? (Infographic)
Summary: The 2014 social media platform of choice for marketing is Facebook: A whopping 92% of marketers plan to spend the majority of their social media marketing budget…
How to Best Capitalize on Shopping Frenzy Using Your Brand Advocates
By turning your brand advocates into Tweeting elves this holiday season, your business can amplify your holiday campaigns, reach new audiences, and increase social engagement during the…
Up Your Twitter Engagement to Kickstart Holiday Sales
With the holidays fast approaching, there is no time like the present to up your Twitter engagement. This week’s Social Media Minute is dedicated to sharing great tips…
21 Proven SEO Metrics You Should Be Monitoring for Epic Success
Monitoring your SEO metrics on a daily, weekly and monthly basis is vital to ensure search health, but it does not have to be overwhelming. Most people are not…
3 Free SEO Tools You’ll Love for a Quick and Easy Website Audit
For the cash-strapped business owner, a must have is access to Free SEO tools for the purpose of performing a thorough website audit that will identify any potential…
5 Absolute “Must-do’s” Before You Hit Publish on your Social Media Post
(#WorkloadWednesday) While I was growing up, my Mom was a primary grade school teacher and my Dad, Superintendent of Schools. No day went by without one of…
How to Give Your Blog a Personality and Attract More Readers in 3 Easy Steps
(#MarketingMonday) When I was young, I took a personality test at the local county fair. The “computer” worked from a basic algorithm to spit out personality traits…
Protect Your Assets: Advice from an HR Expert on Managing Employees Usage of Social Media
(#WorkLoadWednesday) Social media in the workplace is the “norm” in today’s hyper-connected world. At any moment, your employees might be updating their Facebook status, re-tweeting a favorite post or networking…
Tools to Create Quality Infographics that Boost Social Shares
(#ToolboxTuesday) What’s your stance on infographics – like or dislike? Four years ago, I had no idea what an infographic was or why you should consider including…
An Easy Microsoft Word Plugin That Will Actually Boost SEO
I have a secret to share. Nothing earth shattering but, nonetheless, something some would say, I should keep to myself. My sister says I share way too…
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