7 Kiss-Ass Happy New Year Wishes to the Boss
Struggling with what to put in your holiday card to the boss? The easy part is getting the card; however, for me, the harder part is crafting an…
7 Vintage Holiday Ads That Would Be Banned Today
WARNING: This blog post may cause addictive habits. When viewing these vintage holiday ads, proceed with caution. Nothing says Christmas like a pack of smokes. Apparently, at one point…
3 Funny Plumber Commercials So Bad They’re Good
What these local small business plumbers lack in big advertising budgets and famous actors, they more than make up for in creativity. 1. Nothing says plumber like…
7 Wacky Bacon (and Other Awesome) White Elephant Gifts for Your Co-workers
Are you in desperate need of inspiration for last minute white elephant gifts? We’ve put together a seriously crazy list of gifts that only your co-workers would…
5 Politically Incorrect Things Your Boss Says That Proves He Watched Too Much TV In The 70’s
In my first job after college, my boss repeatedly called me an “oxygen thief.” At the time, it felt like a a right of passage. I was…
7 Sandwich Board Signs That Will Stop You in Your Tracks
Looking to increase foot traffic to your business? In the “olden” days, proprietors of restaurants, bars, and cafes used to place sandwich boards out in front of…
Awesome and Fun Gift Ideas For New Business Owners
Looking for business gift ideas for a beloved small business owner on your holiday list? Can’t decide what gift to get your boss? In this post, we’ve…
How to Take Advantage of Google+ to Boost Your Business (Infographic)
What’s your reaction when someone mentions Google Plus to you? Mine begins with an eye roll, follows with a yawn and ends with a slow stretch. Notwithstanding…
7 Surprisingly Best Times to Post on Your Blog
Timing is everything. You’ve likely heard this said many times before referring to relationships, but what about blog posting? Learning when your social media audience is tuning…
How to Make an eBay Store RSS Feed to Boost Sales on Social Media
This tip comes just in time to boost holiday sales for your eBay Store items. In the last few months, eBay has been sporadically removing the ability…
56 Time Saving Social Media Ideas for the Time-Strapped Business Owner
(#WorkloadWednesday) I’m a “list” person. I make lists for almost everything I do. My lists run the gamut from; To Do, To Call, Grocery, Chores, Need to…
Single Best Tool to Stay on Top of Shopping Trends (and it’s FREE)
(#ToolboxTuesday) As a small business owner, the idiom “no rest for the weary” takes on extra meaning during the holiday season. Were you hoping to take a…