The Truth About Short vs. Long Blog Posts: Does Size Matter?
How long should your blog post be? The unsatisfying answer is: it depends. Marketers and bloggers find themselves divided on the issue. Some believe the longer, the better. Others…
Successful Old-School Marketing on a Shoestring Budget in Today’s Social Media World
To quote Mark Twain, “Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertisement.” But advertising can be expensive. In reality, most small businesses share…
How to Use Google Plus Local the Right Way to Boost Traffic
As a small business owner there is always something to do. Not only is there always something to do but also some new marketing strategy to test….
37 of the Best Office Pranks That Will Make You Blow Your Mind
Don’t wait for April Fool’s Day to entice office laughter. In this post, we’ll give you plenty of ideas for some fun office pranks – guaranteed to…
Behind the Scenes: Using Google+ Insights to Guide Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Like most businesses, at, we rely heavily on Google Analytics to provide insight into traffic across our website and blog. We use this data to guide…
3 of the Best Research Backed Twitter SEO Tips That Actually Work
Google and Twitter recently struck a deal that will help Google surface relevant Tweets in searches. As a result, Twitter gains valuable free traffic and Google gains…
How to Break 3 Social Media Bad Habits That Cause Followers to Unfollow
As a small business, every social media follower counts. You worked hard to cultivate a vibrant social media stream. However, you can’t afford to make any mistakes with…
5 Good Reasons Why You Need to Take a Vacation from Your Business
If anything is burning up social media in the Spring, it’s the hashtag #SpringBreak. Don’t fret; Spring break is a vacation, and it doesn’t have to be…
How to Create the Perfect Facebook Business Page [Complete Guide]
Recently, there has been lots of water cooler talk that Facebook is deleting likes generated by now-inactive accounts. What does this mean for your Facebook Business Page?…
4 Pinterest Marketing Tips That Will Improve Your Visibility Now
Are you interested in raising your visibility on Pinterest? Do you know which Pinterest tactics work best? We found the best Pinterest marketing tips from businesses successfully selling on…
How to Reveal the Secrets Behind Dark Social Hidden Metrics to Boost Social Media
How do you know if your social media efforts are “really” paying off? With limited time and resources, it’s crucial to know what social media marketing tactics are working….
How to Dramatically Increase Reach of Your Vine Videos
Looking to increase the reach of your Vine videos? Wish there was an easy way to add your personal touch before sharing Vines across social media? Need more…