Debra Garber
What Dad is Afraid to Admit He Really Wants for Father’s Day
Just in time for the third Sunday in June (every year) – perfect Father’s Day gifts he will actually want! Make this Father’s Day the best ever…
5 Tips That Will Help Your Customers Attention Span
My husband claims I have the attention span of a squirrel. Despite my denials, I secretly wonder if this is true? What is Attention Span? According to the…
5 Tips to Get Your Blog into Bikini Shape Just in Time for Summer Vacation
With one simple Google search, you can discover how to summer proof your hair, windows, makeup, gadgets and home but how about your blog? I grew up believing…
How to Add a Cool Email Emoji: Watch Engagement Soar
Welcome to the new digital age – an era of hybrid communication where we revert to the ancient use of pictographs as written language. This new world is…
RSS Feed to Social Media How-to Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Click here to jump to the Ultimate Guide to RSS Feed to Social Media (e.g., link Twitter to Facebook, etc.) – a complete listing of 25 RSS to social media…
How Pinging Can Immediately Boost Your Blog Reach
Ping, you’re it! For me, this usually means playing phone tag. Or, ping me, which means feel free to bug me if I haven’t gotten back to you by Friday morning! But…
Curated Definition of Content Curation From 6 Best of the Best
In a recent post on the 5 benefits of content creation, we discussed the importance of having a consistent flow of content to remind your audience and customers…
Q&A: What is One of the Best Ways to Attract New Customers? (w/Infographic)
Are you a small business owner blogging skeptic? Do you have a blog but don’t want to invest much time and resources as you don’t believe those efforts…
3 Laser-Focused Priorities for a One-Person Social Media Team
Establishing a comprehensive marketing plan for your small business is hard work. Given time and money limitations, it is impossible to follow the avalanche of marketing advice you come…
5 Powerful Benefits of Content Curation (and why it’s important)
NPR’s tweet, Pressed For Time? Try Hiring A Body Double recently caught my eye. Imagine the possibilities? Being in two places at one time – attending a board meeting…
3 Proven Behaviors to Get More Quality Twitter Followers Quickly
Are you struggling to get more Twitter followers? Typically, users unfollow other users and brands when they no longer wish to see that person’s Tweets in their home…
How Minecraft will Shake Up the Future of Social Media
What can your 13-year old tell you about the future of social media? Surprisingly, more than you think. Unless you live completely off the grid, you probably have heard…
A Mother’s Day Throwback Thank You!
Have you been faced with this question? What do you do when your Mom sends you a friend request on Facebook? You’re first instinct is probably to run and…
How to Get More Instagram Followers: A Simple Growth Strategy
I just checked my personal Instagram account: 2 posts, 5 followers and 8 following. What am I doing wrong? I just want to get more Instagram followers….
How to Boost Your SlideShare SEO to Drive More Traffic
Do you use SlideShare as part of your social media marketing strategy? Do you know how to optimize your SlideShare SEO? At, we convert our blog…
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