How to Create an RSS Feed for Your Etsy Shop to Boost Sales Across Social Media
(#TechTalkThursday) Looking to give your Etsy Shop a boost? Want a fast and easy way to showcase your products to your Twitter and Facebook audience? Promoting your Etsy items across social…
5 Absolute “Must-do’s” Before You Hit Publish on your Social Media Post
(#WorkloadWednesday) While I was growing up, my Mom was a primary grade school teacher and my Dad, Superintendent of Schools. No day went by without one of…
2 Influencer Marketing Strategies That Will Give You a Boost
(#ToolboxTuesday) Every niche has them; “brand influencers”, people considered influential within their domain. If they mention your business or website, you should expect your sales and traffic…
How to Make Better Alt Tags to Boost Search Engine Ranking
According to Venture Marketing, over 1 Million websites in their study on SEO practices ignored basic search engine optimization techniques. While doing our own internal SEO audit, one area needing improvement was…
Include Full-sized Images when Cross-posting Pinterest Pins on Twitter and Facebook
There is no doubt Pinterest has become a must for any business to set-up shop. The goal of Pinterest is to create images that tell a story and…
3 Quick and Easy Blog Post Ideas for the Time-Strapped Business Owner
(#WorkloadWednesday) As I look over the upcoming blog post pitches on our content calendar and quickly guesstimate time needed to perfect these posts, I foresee some tight…
How to Give Your Blog a Personality and Attract More Readers in 3 Easy Steps
(#MarketingMonday) When I was young, I took a personality test at the local county fair. The “computer” worked from a basic algorithm to spit out personality traits…
What’s Your Social Media Backup Plan?
(#TechTalkThursday) If you are a parent, you know there is no truer statement than this one from an old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a…
Protect Your Assets: Advice from an HR Expert on Managing Employees Usage of Social Media
(#WorkLoadWednesday) Social media in the workplace is the “norm” in today’s hyper-connected world. At any moment, your employees might be updating their Facebook status, re-tweeting a favorite post or networking…
Tools to Create Quality Infographics that Boost Social Shares
(#ToolboxTuesday) What’s your stance on infographics – like or dislike? Four years ago, I had no idea what an infographic was or why you should consider including…
3 Search Engine optimization Tips Resulting in the Most Growth
Basketball is a fast-paced sport that requires focus. During a game there can be many distractions for young players – fans, parents (especially your Mom), coaches, teammates, and…
Why Email is Still a Killer App for Instant Social Sharing from a Smart Phone or Tablet
(#TechTalkThursday) Have you ever been standing in a long line at Starbucks and suddenly, a great idea or the solution to a taxing problem pops into your…