7 Vintage Holiday Ads That Would Be Banned Today
WARNING: This blog post may cause addictive habits. When viewing these vintage holiday ads, proceed with caution. Nothing says Christmas like a pack of smokes. Apparently, at one point…
7 Sandwich Board Signs That Will Stop You in Your Tracks
Looking to increase foot traffic to your business? In the “olden” days, proprietors of restaurants, bars, and cafes used to place sandwich boards out in front of…
7 Surprisingly Best Times to Post on Your Blog
Timing is everything. You’ve likely heard this said many times before referring to relationships, but what about blog posting? Learning when your social media audience is tuning…
3 Social Media Marketing Ideas That Will Boost Customer Retention In 10 Minutes or Less
Ever have those days when social media ends up at the bottom of your to-do list? We’ve all been there. Here are three easy to implement social media…
How to Best Capitalize on Shopping Frenzy Using Your Brand Advocates
By turning your brand advocates into Tweeting elves this holiday season, your business can amplify your holiday campaigns, reach new audiences, and increase social engagement during the…
How to Get Twitter Followers in 7 Easy Steps
Over the past several months we’ve tested different tools and explored how to get Twitter followers. Getting Twitter followers is easy. However, we set out to get (create)…
Up Your Twitter Engagement to Kickstart Holiday Sales
With the holidays fast approaching, there is no time like the present to up your Twitter engagement. This week’s Social Media Minute is dedicated to sharing great tips…
2 Influencer Marketing Strategies That Will Give You a Boost
(#ToolboxTuesday) Every niche has them; “brand influencers”, people considered influential within their domain. If they mention your business or website, you should expect your sales and traffic…
How to Track Every Social Media Link with Google UTM Codes
If you look at your Google Analytics data, it can be overwhelming. There are so many variables to review and things you can adjust to get your desired results….
5 Easy Steps to SlideShare Success (Social Media Grow Tip)
Updated September 22, 2016. Do you use SlideShare as part of your B2B social media marketing strategy? If you’re busy like me, you may have missed the post from…
How to Convert Headline Keywords into Hashtags
Recently, I came across this article on the quintly.com blog, Twitter Hashtag Analysis: Do People “Really” Use Them? I was surprised to learn that nearly 60% of all tweets do not include…
Ideal Image Size for Social Media Posts
Are you finding yourself confused over the ideal image size required for each social network? You are not alone. Once you figure out your profile image size, what…